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Thermistor 10K

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Nothing Succeeds Like ExpressLink

December 3, 2021

The AWS IoT ExpressLink is available with new Raspberry Pi kits from Kitronik, and a new imaging sensor from Luxonis.

Let's Put A Pin-Out In It

March 25, 2022

The BME280 Atmospheric Sensor Breakout is one of our more popular sensor boards and now you can get it with pre-soldered headers! We also have more products from BreadBoard Mates!

Qwiic VR IMU (BNO080) Hookup Guide

April 30, 2018

Figure out how things are oriented with the robust 9 degrees of freedom (DOF) BNO080 IMU. Maybe even make your own virtual reality (VR) applications if you're feeling savvy.

MicroMod Data Logging Carrier Board Hookup Guide

October 21, 2020

Get started with some customizable MicroMod data logging with the Data Logging Carrier Board.