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Audio Jack - 3.5mm TRRS (SMD)

Audio Jack - 3.5mm TRRS (SMD)

Wall Adapter Power Supply - 5VDC, 2A (USB Micro-B)

Wall Adapter Power Supply - 5VDC, 2A (USB Micro-B)

SparkFun Qwiic Dynamic NFC/RFID Tag

SparkFun Qwiic Dynamic NFC/RFID Tag

SparkFun BlueSMiRF v2 - Headers

SparkFun BlueSMiRF v2 - Headers


Taking the Next Step With Matter: Silicon Labs Releases Four Easy-to-Follow Bluetooth Examples

March 29, 2023

Silicon Labs created some amazing project examples, using the SparkFun Thing Plus Matter board, that you can follow once you've got yours up and running. Including gesture recognition and image classification using TensorFlow Lite, counting people in a room, creating an RFID door lock system, and connecting the SparkFun Thing Plus MGM240P to an Android device, these examples are sure to inspire you!

Precise Positioning Meets Magnetic Marvels

December 15, 2023

A week full of new products, the UM980 Triband GNSS RTK Breakout, the TMAG5273 Linear 3D Hall-Effect Sensors, and a new 1.3in. Qwiic OLED all join the SparkFun Catalog!

SparkFun Blocks for Intel® Edison - 9 Degrees of Freedom Block

August 19, 2015

A quick overview of the features of the 9 Degrees of Freedom Block.

micro:bit Educator Lab Pack Experiment Guide

May 8, 2018

A quickstart guide for the micro:bit educator lab pack.