BadgerHack: Synth Add-On Kit

Contributors: Nick Poole
Favorited Favorite 2


Plug the USB side of your BadgerStick into your computer. Make sure "BadgerStick" and the associated COM port are selected in the window below. Click "Run on Arduino."

Note: If you have the Redstick, make sure to instead selecte "Arduino Uno" in the window below.

Copy the code below, and upload it through the Arduino IDE.

/*BadgerSynth Example Sketch
February 2016

Written by Nick Poole
SparkFun Electronics

Code is released under the MIT License.
#define SPEAKER A4
#define POT_A A0
#define POT_B A1
#define POT_C A2
#define POT_D A3

int x = 2;
int osc1 = 0;
int osc2 = 0;
int ran = 0;
int tempo = 0;
int note;
bool event = 0;

void setup() {

// Setup all of the DIP Switch pins as Inputs
for(int i = 0; i<10; i++){
  pinMode(i, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(i, 1);


void loop() {

// Read all of the potentiometers 
tempo = analogRead(POT_A) * 10;
osc1 = map(analogRead(POT_B), 0, 1023, 200, 6000);
osc2 = map(analogRead(POT_C), 0, 1023, 0, 1000);
ran = analogRead(POT_D)/2;

if(x==10){x=2;} // Iterate through each step on our DIP Switch

for(int y = 0; y<tempo; y++){ // Time each event to trigger on tempo

if(event == 0){
note = random(osc1-ran, osc1+ran); // Allow for randomness to be set
tone(SPEAKER, note, osc2); // Create our tone
event = 1;}

else{noTone(SPEAKER);} // If the DIP Switch is off, shut up for a step


x++; event = 0;


This code steps through each pin on the DIP switch, reading the input to the BadgerStick. If a switch is open, the BadgerStick will make a noise based on the potentiometer inputs. Changing the potentiometers will change the random tones created by the BadgerStick.