ESP8266 Thing Development Board Hookup Guide

Contributors: jimblom
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Example Sketch: Web Server

If we use the ESP8266 as a web server, you can use a web browser to control the ESP8266's LED, or read the status of its GPIO's.

This section provides two web server examples. The first example sets the ESP8266 up as a WiFi station, connecting to a WiFi router like the previous example. The other example sets the ESP8266 up as a WiFi access point, so you can use a WiFi-enabled device to connect directly to the little WiFi chip.

Example 2: Station (and mDNS) Web Server

To begin, let's connect the Thing Dev Board back up to the WiFi access point you used in the previous example. Here's some example code setting up a web server and pointing a local mDNS domain of "thing.local" to your ESP8266. Make sure you adjust the values for WiFiSSID and WiFiPSK.

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>

// WiFi Definitions //
const char WiFiSSID[] = "WiFiSSID";
const char WiFiPSK[] = "WiFiPSK";

// Pin Definitions //
const int LED_PIN = 5; // Thing's onboard, green LED
const int ANALOG_PIN = A0; // The only analog pin on the Thing
const int DIGITAL_PIN = 12; // Digital pin to be read

WiFiServer server(80);

void setup() 

void loop() 
  // Check if a client has connected
  WiFiClient client = server.available();
  if (!client) {

  // Read the first line of the request
  String req = client.readStringUntil('\r');

  // Match the request
  int val = -1; // We'll use 'val' to keep track of both the
                // request type (read/set) and value if set.
  if (req.indexOf("/led/0") != -1)
    val = 1; // Will write LED high
  else if (req.indexOf("/led/1") != -1)
    val = 0; // Will write LED low
  else if (req.indexOf("/read") != -1)
    val = -2; // Will print pin reads
  // Otherwise request will be invalid. We'll say as much in HTML

  // Set GPIO5 according to the request
  if (val >= 0)
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, val);


  // Prepare the response. Start with the common header:
  String s = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";
  s += "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
  s += "<!DOCTYPE HTML>\r\n<html>\r\n";

  /*Note: Uncomment the line below to refresh automatically
   *      for every 1 second. This is not ideal for large pages 
   *      but for a simple read out, it is useful for monitoring 
   *      your sensors and I/O pins. To adjust the fresh rate, 
   *      adjust the value for content. For 30 seconds, simply 
   *      change the value to 30.*/
  //s += "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1'/>\r\n";//auto refresh page

  // If we're setting the LED, print out a message saying we did
  if (val >= 0)
    s += "LED is now ";
    s += (val)?"off":"on";
  else if (val == -2)
  { // If we're reading pins, print out those values:
    s += "Analog Pin = ";
    s += String(analogRead(ANALOG_PIN));
    s += "<br>"; // Go to the next line.
    s += "Digital Pin 12 = ";
    s += String(digitalRead(DIGITAL_PIN));
    s += "Invalid Request.<br> Try /led/1, /led/0, or /read.";
  s += "</html>\n";

  // Send the response to the client
  Serial.println("Client disonnected");

  // The client will actually be disconnected 
  // when the function returns and 'client' object is detroyed

void connectWiFi()
  byte ledStatus = LOW;
  Serial.println("Connecting to: " + String(WiFiSSID));
  // Set WiFi mode to station (as opposed to AP or AP_STA)

  // WiFI.begin([ssid], [passkey]) initiates a WiFI connection
  // to the stated [ssid], using the [passkey] as a WPA, WPA2,
  // or WEP passphrase.
  WiFi.begin(WiFiSSID, WiFiPSK);

  // Use the WiFi.status() function to check if the ESP8266
  // is connected to a WiFi network.
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
    // Blink the LED
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, ledStatus); // Write LED high/low
    ledStatus = (ledStatus == HIGH) ? LOW : HIGH;

    // Delays allow the ESP8266 to perform critical tasks
    // defined outside of the sketch. These tasks include
    // setting up, and maintaining, a WiFi connection.
    // Potentially infinite loops are generally dangerous.
    // Add delays -- allowing the processor to perform other
    // tasks -- wherever possible.
  Serial.println("WiFi connected");  
  Serial.println("IP address: ");

void setupMDNS()
  // Call MDNS.begin(<domain>) to set up mDNS to point to
  // "<domain>.local"
  if (!MDNS.begin("thing")) 
    Serial.println("Error setting up MDNS responder!");
    while(1) { 
  Serial.println("mDNS responder started");


void initHardware()
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
  // Don't need to set ANALOG_PIN as input, 
  // that's all it can be.

After uploading, find a device on the same WiFi network, and point it to one of these locations (the links below will only work if your device is on the same network):

Turning an LED on in the web browser

The ESP8266 should server a web page, even if it's as simple as ensuring its LED is on.

Troubleshooting Tip: If you get a web page error message relating to “can’t find sever or IP address”, this may be related to your web browser or a delay in your network's mDNS update. This can be bypassed by getting the IP address of the board using a serial terminal program and using that in place of "thing.local" in the web address. For example, the IP address of the ESP8266 Thing was Therefore, the address should be to turn the LED on.

Example 3: Access Point (AP) Web Server

Not only can the ESP8266 connect to a WiFi network and interact with the Internet, but it can also set up a network of its own, allowing other devices to connect directly to it. This example demonstrates how to turn the ESP8266 into an access point (AP), and serve up web pages to any connected client.

Copy and paste the code from below in the Arduino IDE. Then hit the upload button.

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

// WiFi Definitions //
const char WiFiAPPSK[] = "sparkfun";

// Pin Definitions //
const int LED_PIN = 5; // Thing's onboard, green LED
const int ANALOG_PIN = A0; // The only analog pin on the Thing
const int DIGITAL_PIN = 12; // Digital pin to be read

WiFiServer server(80);

void setup() 

void loop() 
  // Check if a client has connected
  WiFiClient client = server.available();
  if (!client) {

  // Read the first line of the request
  String req = client.readStringUntil('\r');

  // Match the request
  int val = -1; // We'll use 'val' to keep track of both the
                // request type (read/set) and value if set.
  if (req.indexOf("/led/0") != -1)
    val = 1; // Will write LED high
  else if (req.indexOf("/led/1") != -1)
    val = 0; // Will write LED low
  else if (req.indexOf("/read") != -1)
    val = -2; // Will print pin reads
  // Otherwise request will be invalid. We'll say as much in HTML

  // Set GPIO5 according to the request
  if (val >= 0)
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, val);


  // Prepare the response. Start with the common header:
  String s = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";
  s += "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
  s += "<!DOCTYPE HTML>\r\n<html>\r\n";

  /*Note: Uncomment the line below to refresh automatically
   *      for every 1 second. This is not ideal for large pages 
   *      but for a simple read out, it is useful for monitoring 
   *      your sensors and I/O pins. To adjust the fresh rate, 
   *      adjust the value for content. For 30 seconds, simply 
   *      change the value to 30.*/
  //s += "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1'/>\r\n";//auto refresh page

  // If we're setting the LED, print out a message saying we did
  if (val >= 0)
    s += "LED is now ";
    s += (val)?"off":"on";
  else if (val == -2)
  { // If we're reading pins, print out those values:
    s += "Analog Pin = ";
    s += String(analogRead(ANALOG_PIN));
    s += "<br>"; // Go to the next line.
    s += "Digital Pin 12 = ";
    s += String(digitalRead(DIGITAL_PIN));
    s += "Invalid Request.<br> Try /led/1, /led/0, or /read.";
  s += "</html>\n";

  // Send the response to the client
  Serial.println("Client disonnected");

  // The client will actually be disconnected 
  // when the function returns and 'client' object is detroyed

void setupWiFi()

  // Do a little work to get a unique-ish name. Append the
  // last two bytes of the MAC (HEX'd) to "ThingDev-":
  uint8_t mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
  String macID = String(mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 2], HEX) +
                 String(mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 1], HEX);
  String AP_NameString = "ThingDev-" + macID;

  char AP_NameChar[AP_NameString.length() + 1];
  memset(AP_NameChar, 0, AP_NameString.length() + 1);

  for (int i=0; i<AP_NameString.length(); i++)
    AP_NameChar[i] = AP_NameString.charAt(i);

  WiFi.softAP(AP_NameChar, WiFiAPPSK);

void initHardware()
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
  // Don't need to set ANALOG_PIN as input, 
  // that's all it can be.

After uploading this sketch, find another device that you can connect to a WiFi network -- phone, laptop, etc. Look for a network called "ThingDev-XXXX", where XXXX is the last 2 bytes of the Thing Development Board's MAC address.

Connecting to the Thing AP

The sketch sets the network's password to "sparkfun".

After connecting to your ESP8266's AP network, load up a browser and point it to (unfortunately, mDNS doesn't work in AP mode). The Thing Dev Board should serve up a web page showing you its ADC and digital pin 12 readings:

The Thing serving up a web page

After that, give and a try, and keep an eye on the Thing's green LED while you do.

Auto Refresh

Tired of hitting the refresh button to update the I/O pin readings? Try uncommenting the line of code where it says: s += "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1'/>\r\n";. Then reupload the code to your ESP8266. This line of code will auto refresh the page every second.

  /*Note: Uncomment the line below to refresh automatically
   *      for every 1 second. This is not ideal for large pages 
   *      but for a simple read out, it is useful for monitoring 
   *      your sensors and I/O pins. To adjust the fresh rate, 
   *      adjust the value for content. For 30 seconds, simply 
   *      change the value to 30.*/
  //s += "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1'/>\r\n";//auto refresh page

As always, check through the code comments to get a line-by-line breakdown of what's going on.