Large Digit Driver Hookup Guide

Contributors: Shawn Hymel
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Board Overview

Pin Descriptions

The Large Digit Driver has 6 input pins and 6 output pins.

Overview of HX711 board

IN PinDescription
GNDConnect to ground
LATData transfer in from SER on the rising edge of the latch pin
CLKData transfer in from SER on the rising edge of the clock pin
SERSerial data in
5VConnect to power (5V)
12VConnect to power (12V)

OUT PinDescription
GNDConnect to ground (used to provide a ground pin to the next Large Digit Driver in the chain)
LATConnect to the LAT pin on the next Large Digit Driver in the chain
CLKConnect to the CLK pin on the next Large Digit Driver in the chain
SERSerial data out to the next Large Digit Driver
5V5V out to the next Large Digit Driver
12V12V out to the next Large Digit Driver