Raspberry Pi SPI and I2C Tutorial

Contributors: Byron J., Shawn Hymel
Favorited Favorite 27

Resources and Going Further

For digging deeper into the concepts covered in this tutorial, please see the following:

  • If you're really curious about the nitty-gritty internal details of I2C and SPI, you might want to read the source code of Wiring Pi, which you can clone from here.
  • Additionally, you can learn about the Linux underpinnings of these interfaces documented at kernel.org. The SPI documentation seems to be more complete than its I2C sibling.
  • If the example code here isn't working, you should check for updated versions on the 40-pin Pi Wedge GitHub Repository.
  • The way that I2C and SPI devices are enabled in Raspbian has changed significantly in recent revisions. This forum post explains how to re-enable the interfaces if they disappeared in an upgrade.
  • The HAT specifications and related information are hosted on GitHub. If you're designing a HAT, you'll want to start by reading the HAT Design Guide, and possibly perusing the B+ addons forum.
  • Filezilla is a convenient FTP & SFTP client, which is useful for getting files to and from a Pi.
  • PuTTY is a terminal program that has serial, telnet and SSH modes.
  • The Pi gPIo tutorial explains how to use the digital I/O pins on your Pi.
  • The Pi Wedge gives you a convenient way to access the SPI and I2C interfaces on your Pi.

For more information about the Raspberry Pi and the software described here, please visit their sites.

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If you have any problems or questions, our technical support department can help. Please don’t hesitate to contact us. We also love to hear about your projects!