Simblee Concepts

This Tutorial is Retired!

This tutorial covers concepts or technologies that are no longer current. It's still here for you to read and enjoy, but may not be as useful as our newest tutorials.

Contributors: SFUptownMaker
Favorited Favorite 6

Resources and Going Further

Here are some additional resources for more information about the Simblee.

For more Bluetooth fun, check out these other SparkFun tutorials.

Using the BlueSMiRF

How to get started using the BlueSMiRF and Bluetooth Mate Silvers.

Nintendo Switch Macro Recording on the Raspberry Pi

Learn how to record and playback controller 'macros' for your Nintendo Switch using a Raspberry Pi, SparkFun Top pHAT, and Joycontrol.

Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W

Learn how to setup, configure and use the latest version of the smallest Raspberry Pi out there, the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.

ESP32 Thing Plus (USB-C) Hookup Guide

Meet the updated ESP32 Thing Plus (USB-C) development board. We have included some extra bells and whistles that users will appreciate, so check out out hookup guide for all the details!