SparkFun LoRa Gateway 1-Channel Hookup Guide

Contributors: jimblom, Liquid Soulder
Favorited Favorite 3

Resources and Going Further

Thanks for coming on this single-channel LoRaWAN gateway journey with us! Here are a few links and documents that might prove handy as you continue exploring the world of LoRa with this board:

Need Inspiration? Check out some of these fun IoT tutorials from SparkFun:

HID Control of a Web Page

Learn how to move a slider on a webpage and make a motor spin. We connect HTML and HID to read sensors and interface with the physical world.

Photon Battery Shield Hookup Guide

The Photon Battery Shield has everything your Photon needs to run off, charge, and monitor a LiPo battery. Read through this hookup guide to get started using it.

IoT Weight Logging Scale

This tutorial will show you how to make a scale that logs your weight to a custom website on the Internet. The principles can be extrapolated to any type of data.

Qwiic ToF Imager - VL53L5CX Hookup Guide

Hookup Guide for the Qwiic ToF Imager - VL53L5CX