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SparkFun Breadboard Power Supply 5V/3.3V

SparkFun Breadboard Power Supply 5V/3.3V

Micro Gearmotor - 175 RPM (6-12V)

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E-textile Basics Lab Pack

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A Barcode Scanner Darkly

May 28, 2021

A new 1D/2D Barcode Scanner is here, along with Raspberry Pi's new PoE+ HAT!

User Success Story: Tracking Sea Ice with the Artemis Global Tracker

January 13, 2022

When Jean Rabault was looking for a cheaper and more compact way to collect data on sea ice for the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, he looked to the Artemis Global Tracker (AGT) as an alternative.

LogicBlocks & Digital Logic Introduction

March 31, 2014

Introducing fundamental digital logic concepts and LogicBlocks

Light Up Pennant with E-Textiles

September 17, 2015

Show your school spirit, geek pride, or fandom with a light up pennant using the LilyTwinkle or LilyPad Arduino.