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RJ45 8-Pin Connector

RJ45 8-Pin Connector

Disposable Surface EMG/ECG/EKG Electrode - 24mm (10 pack)

Disposable Surface EMG/ECG/EKG Electrode - 24mm (10 pack)


Raspberry Pi 3 A+




There's Something About LoRa

July 7, 2021

Need more range from your sensor project? LoRa may be just the thing you need!

Meet the Person Sensor from Useful Sensors!

October 19, 2022

We are happy to announce the newest Machine Learning tool from Pete Warden, the Person Sensor!

Light-Up Plush

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Craft a light-up plush with LilyPad LEDs controlled by pressing a button and sliding a switch in the creature's hands.

TSH82 Configurable OpAmp Hookup Guide

November 2, 2018

The TSH82 Configurable OpAmp board offers the designer a great balance of performance and flexibility. We'll show you how to get the very best out of your board!