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Polarized Connectors - Header (3-Pin)

Polarized Connectors - Header (3-Pin)

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MEMS the Word

April 23, 2021

New versions of our MEMS Microphone Breakout and LoRa Gateway are here!

micro:bit as a Fiddle

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We've reworked our micro:bit breakouts to include Qwiic! Don't forget to check out the latest from SparkX, too!

Using the Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V

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This tutorial is your guide to all things Arduino Pro Mini. It explains what it is, what it's not, and how to get started using it.

SparkFun gator:particle Hookup Guide

June 13, 2019

The gator:particle is an I2C heart-rate monitor and pulse oximeter that can be used as a particle sensor. This tutorial will get you started using the gator:particle with the micro:bit platform.