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SparkFun Spectral Sensor Breakout - AS7262 Visible (Qwiic)

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V-Bit Cutter - 0.5" Diameter, 90 Degree, #301 (2 Pack)

SparkFun ProDriver - Stepper Motor Driver (TC78H670FTG)

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Analog MEMS Mic Check

March 18, 2022

A new version of our popular Analog MEMS Microphone Breakout is now available along with a set of new products from our friends at BreadBoard Mates.

Memorial Day Sale

May 29, 2023

Celebrate deals up to 30 percent off on SparkFun's top GPS products!

Logomatic Hookup Guide

May 29, 2014

Basic introduction and hook-up guide for the SparkFun Logomatic.

Proto Pedal Example: Programmable Digital Pedal

September 22, 2016

Building a pedal around the Teensy 3.2 and Teensy Audio shield. Changing the effect in the pedal is as easy as uploading a new sketch!