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Perhaps some of these may interest you?

Tiny AVR Programmer

Tiny AVR Programmer

Micro Gearmotor - Enclosure

Micro Gearmotor - Enclosure

SparkFun Weather Shield

SparkFun Weather Shield

Machinechat Software License Card - JEDI One

Machinechat Software License Card - JEDI One


SparkFun Vacation

December 23, 2022

We are off this weekend in observation of the final nights of Hanukkah and Christmas! We'll be back on Tuesday, December 27th!

Bosch Sensortec Announces Tiny Particulate Matter Sensor to Monitor Air Quality

January 12, 2023

One of the cool new sensors we learned about at CES is the BMV080 - it is the smallest particulate matter sensor available and has several applications to support monitoring indoor and outdoor air quality. Bosch Sensortec had a couple of demos at their booth to demonstrate the capabilities of the sensor.

MCP4725 Digital to Analog Converter Hookup Guide

September 11, 2014

This is a quick hookup to help you get started with the MCP4725 DAC breakout board. This device allows you to send analog signal from a digital source, like the I2C interface on the Arduino microcontroller.

Integrated Circuits

July 15, 2013

An introduction to integrated circuits (ICs). Electronics' ubiquitous black chips. Includes a focus on the variety of IC packages.