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Flexible Coolant Pipe - 1ft (1/2")

Flexible Coolant Pipe - 1ft (1/2")

SparkFun Thermocouple Breakout - MAX31855K

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USB 3.1 Cable A to C - 3 Foot

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Actuonix PQ12-100-6-R Micro-Actuator


Friendship is Cryptographic

June 25, 2021

A new Cryptographic Dev Kit is available with a new Qwiic SGP40 Air Quality Sensor, and RPi Compute Module 4!

Essential Sensors

August 5, 2022

A new version of our Essential Sensor Kit is now available along with two new PIR Breakout Kits!

Spectacle Button Board Hookup Guide

May 4, 2017

All the information you need to use the Spectacle Button Board in one place.

OpenLog Artemis Hookup Guide

August 20, 2020

How to use and re-program the OpenLog Artemis, an open source datalogger. The OLA comes preprogrammed to automatically log data. The OLA can also record serial data, analog voltages, or readings from external Qwiic-enabled I2C devices. Some of these Qwiic-enabled devices include GPS/GNSS modules, pressure, altitude, humidity, temperature, air quality, environment, distance, and weight sensors.