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What's the Buzz With Swarm?

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Our new Swarm M138 Satellite Transceiver Kit is now available along with a Limited Edition MultiStar Ornament!

SparkFun Joins Silicon Labs and Elektor For Matter Webinar

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There was a time when working on home automation projects meant committing to a specific ecosystem. But with the recent introduction of Matter — an open-source protocol that enables seamless communication between IoT devices — you now have more options. Join Elektor, SparkFun, and Silicon Labs on August 24, 2023 for an insightful webinar, "A Matter of Collaboration: Developing with the Thing Plus Matter Board and Simplicity Studio."

Digital Sandbox Experiment Guide

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Your guide to the Digital Sandbox! 16+ experiments that, using a graphical programming language, teach you to blink LEDs, monitor microphones, read temperature, and much more.

Sparcade: Edison as a Web Server for Browser Games

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Turn the Intel® Edison into an access point that serves a simple browser-based game. High scores from the game are displayed on a character LCD.