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Webinar: Remotely Monitor Equipment in a Challenging Environment with Single-Pair Ethernet

May 19, 2022

Join us on June 8th at 10am Mountain Time for a webinar about 10BASE-T1L Single-Pair Ethernet (SPE). SPE significantly improves your ability to acquire and transmit data quickly and reliably and represents a major leap in technology to support automation, reduce costs, and improve data transmission.

On The Shoulders of Giants

October 6, 2022

The human urges to make up stories and look up at the night sky are nothing new. You might be able to track stars or calculate orbits with your new limited edition Constellation Board, but what did astronomers do before computers? Join me on a journey back in time to find out how astronomy has evolved since ancient times!

Adding a Timed Button to a Project

July 29, 2015

This tutorial will walk you through making a timed power controller for interactive projects. You will learn how to add an on button that will provide power to your project for an amount of time and then turn off again.

HX1 APRS Transmitter Hookup Guide

June 7, 2018

The HX1 is a low-power amateur radio transmitter that can be used to send data to the Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) network.