
Member Since: January 8, 2006

Country: United Kingdom

  • Almost full circle Nate:-) Having followed Sparkfun from the start, it's been a beacon that I share with others constantly. The personality of Sparkfun shines through and here's to Glenn adding to the mix.

  • See, look how easy it is to turn the tables on Pete ;-)

  • Hmmm... Been using these loggers for over two years. Latest batch will not allow me to update the firmware to my own, using the 'older' method. Looking at the OPENLog website it appears the bootloader has changed. The only instructions I can find for updating the latest version is to use Ardunio stuff. Since I have a fully tested and working hex file that I want to upload, I cannot use the new instructions. Anybody any idea on how to update the firmware (I have a hex file) with the latest (post March) bootloader? I've a nice little serial/TTL converter all ready and willing :-) P.S. I re-tested my 'old' method on an older OPENLog device and it works fine. Just not on these new suckers.

  • PTH = "Plated Through Hole"...

  • Sorry I thought that was obvious. If hazmat wants to try Arduino he can. If then decides it's not for him, the board can be configured for Pic32 only use. Simple really

  • Why not try the best of both worlds then. The new PIC32 based Arduino boards. Faster, more memory, more features and what's more, less expensive than the Atmel stuff :-)

  • Should have said.. using it at 868MHz

  • I'm using this chip (not this particular module), at 17dbm power setting with matched passive antenna... just over 2 miles max range attained (RSSI level down to around 30). Si-Labs themselves get something similar I think with their dev-kit at 20dbm but I think that's due to the noise floor on the dev kit.

  • Aw man. I'm wrong. I was thinking of the new HopeRf module. Sorry !

  • Hi Ariel,
    The RSSI value can be read at anytime. The threshold detect does not have to be used.

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