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SparkFun Thermocouple Breakout - MAX31855K

SparkFun Thermocouple Breakout - MAX31855K

LIDAR-Lite v3

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LED Strip Pigtail Connector (4-pin)

LED Strip Pigtail Connector (4-pin)

Digi XBee® RR Pro Module - SMA Antenna

Digi XBee® RR Pro Module - SMA Antenna


14-Segment Salute

October 22, 2021

Two new Qwiic Alphanumeric Displays are now available in pink and green, a new Qwiic Motor Driver Kit is here, and we take another look at Raspberry Pi's newest HAT.

Kit Up with Machinechat

October 7, 2022

Three new Machinechat Kits are now available from SparkFun Electronics! Also, be sure to pick up your limited edition Constellation Kit while supplies last!

SparkPunk Hookup Guide

June 12, 2014

How to assemble and modify the SparkPunk Sound Generator kit.

Digital Sandbox Arduino Companion

July 31, 2014

Let's take the same examples from the ArduBlock-based Digital Sandbox guide, and implement them using Arduino code.