Jon Moyes

Member Since: January 10, 2012

Country: United States

  • This is a really great list of items to consider - I wish I had this when I started!

    I might add a bit more to the "Design for Manufacturing" section: Design for Test. For example:

    • How are you going to fixture the board in a pogobed? Can you use holes (more accurately drilled), rather than the board edge to align the PCB with respect to the pogopins?
    • What test points (on what nets) are required to connect to your board?
    • How close can the test points be to each other before the pogobed design becomes difficult?
    • What tests are critical to ensuring the assembly is good?
  • The diameter of the head/tip of the pogopin is 1.3mm / 0.051".

No public wish lists :(