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Conductive Thread Bobbin - 30ft (Stainless Steel)

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Open Hardware Summit 2022 Recap

April 28, 2022

Missed the OHS 2022? Talks from the Summit are now available to watch.

Introducing the Experiential Robotics Platform (XRP) DIY Kit

February 8, 2024

For those of you who prefer to 3D print your chassis, we are following up on the successful launch of the Experiential Robotics Platform (XRP) - Beta with the XRP DIY Kit. Also, spare parts are now available individually.

Rotary Switch Potentiometer Hookup Guide

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How to use the Rotary Switch Potentiometer breakout board, with some sample applications.

Gator:starter ProtoSnap Hookup Guide

October 18, 2018

Get started clipping sensors and lights to the micro:bit with the gator:starter gator:board from SparkFun!