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10 Segment LED Bar Graph - Red

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Screw Terminals 2.54mm Pitch (2-Pin)

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SparkFun GNSS Receiver Breakout - MAX-M10S (Qwiic)

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Holiday Sweater and ML @ Home Kit Giveaway

December 15, 2021

Today only, we're giving away an NVIDIA-branded holiday sweater and SparkFun Machine Learning @ Home Kit to three lucky winners via Instagram!

Precision Meets Customization Meets...You! Meet the MicroMod GNSS Carrier Board!

January 18, 2022

A look into the MicroMod GNSS Carrier Board and how to utilize it with u-center.

Installing an Arduino Bootloader

December 4, 2013

This tutorial will teach you what a bootloader is and why you would need to install or reinstall it. We will also go over the process of burning a bootloader by flashing a hex file to an Arduino microcontroller.

Getting Started with the A111 Pulsed Radar Sensor

September 26, 2019

Get started with the Acconeer A111 SDK with a Raspberry Pi! The tiny A111 pulsed coherent radar (PCR) adds high-precision, cutting-edge distance measurement for speed-, material-, motion-, or gesture-sensing projects! We’re not talking about simple ultrasonic, or even infrared sensors here, but 60GHz radar!