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SparkFun SOT23 to DIP Adapter

SparkFun SOT23 to DIP Adapter

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FR1 Copper Clad - Double Sided 2x3in (10 Pack)

Luxonis Oak-D LITE

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Announcing Dumpster Dive 2022!

August 16, 2022

After taking a year off, Dumpster Dive is back!

What Are You Working On?

March 13, 2024

We want to see what types of projects you all are using your SparkFun parts for!

Alternating Current (AC) vs. Direct Current (DC)

September 5, 2013

Learn the differences between AC and DC, the history, different ways to generate AC and DC, and examples of applications.

Getting Started with Chibi Chip and Clip

March 22, 2018

This tutorial goes over the how to assemble the Chibitronics' Chibi Chip programmable microcontroller with the Chibi Clip to add more functionality to your paper circuits! Start programming your Chibi Chip by writing code (block-based and text-based) in a browser-based code editor and then transmit code through sound to your board!