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JST Vertical Connector

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How to Make a 3D-Printed D&D Rotating Puzzle Room With OpenForge2.0 and MicroMod

December 9, 2021

Follow this tutorial to build a Rotating Puzzle room for your Dungeon. This project incorporates parts from the OpenForge2.0 project with a few additional 3D-printed components and SparkFun's Qwiic and MicroMod systems to make a rotating puzzle room that can be activated by placing a magnet on the "secret" tile or remotely using a computer, phone, or tablet.

It's a SparkFun Thanksgiving, Charlie Brown!

November 24, 2022

We're closed for the holiday, but we wanted to wish you a happy one!

EL Wire Pants

July 18, 2019

In this tutorial, we will sew standard electroluminescent (EL) wire to a pair of pants.

ARGOS (ARTIC R2) Satellite Communication Guide

November 18, 2021

A guide describing the ARGOS satellite network - as used by our ARTIC R2 satellite communication products