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Perhaps some of these may interest you?

Heatsink Compound

Heatsink Compound

Jumper Wires Premium 6" F/F Pack of 100

Jumper Wires Premium 6" F/F Pack of 100

Hook-up Wire 2-Conductor - Clear (22AWG-7x30, Stranded, 25ft)

Hook-up Wire 2-Conductor - Clear (22AWG-7x30, Stranded, 25ft)

Jumper Wires - Connected 6in. (M/M) - Ding & Dent

Jumper Wires - Connected 6in. (M/M) - Ding & Dent


Direct to the Time of Flight

April 15, 2022

Four new dToF Qwiic Imagers using two different chip sets from AMS are now available!

Matter and Thread are Becoming More Widely Available. Learn More About This Unified Approach to IoT Today!

March 16, 2023

We've assembled this annotated resource list to better understand Matter and Thread - what it is, why it matters, and use cases.

Qwiic Adapter Hookup Guide

November 30, 2017

Get started with your Qwiic adapter board. This adapter breaks out the I2C pins from the Qwiic connectors to pins that you can easily solder with your favorite I2C enabled device.

Programming the SparkFun Edge with Arduino

December 9, 2019

Running low-power machine learning examples on the SparkFun Edge can now be done using the familiar Arduino IDE. In this follow-up to the initial Edge tutorial, we'll look at how to get three examples up and running without the need to learn an entirely new SDK.