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DIP Sockets Solder Tail - 16-Pin 0.3"

DIP Sockets Solder Tail - 16-Pin 0.3"

LED Rainbow Pack - 5mm PTH

LED Rainbow Pack - 5mm PTH

Hybrid Table for Shapeoko 4 - XL

Hybrid Table for Shapeoko 4 - XL

SparkFun Micro OLED Breakout (Qwiic)

SparkFun Micro OLED Breakout (Qwiic)


A Spectrum of Colors

June 16, 2023

SparkX's new Qwiic Visible Spectrum Emitter is now available with a 10-Way Terminal & Socket.

Holiday Gift Guide: Electronics and Engineering Gifts for Young People and Beginners

December 11, 2023

Over the years, SparkFun has always provided kits and materials to introduce young people and beginners to electronics, engineering, and STEM in a fun, hands-on way - these tools make fabulous and educational gifts for the holidays

Shapeoko Coaster Project

November 20, 2015

A step-by-step guide to cutting and engraving a coaster with the Shapeoko.

AST-CAN485 Hookup Guide

March 1, 2018

The AST CAN485 is a miniature Arduino in the compact form factor of the ProMini. In addition to all the usual features it has on-board CAN and RS485 ports enabling quick and easy interfacing to a multitude of industrial devices.