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Perhaps some of these may interest you?

LilyPad LED Pink (5pcs)

LilyPad LED Pink (5pcs)

Insulated Silicone Soldering Mat

Insulated Silicone Soldering Mat

Breadboard to JST-GHR-06V Cable - 6-Pin x 1.25mm Pitch

Breadboard to JST-GHR-06V Cable - 6-Pin x 1.25mm Pitch

CO₂ Sensor - STC31 (Qwiic)

CO₂ Sensor - STC31 (Qwiic)


GNSS Functionality for MicroMod

August 12, 2022

Two new GNSS MicroMod Function Boards are now available along with a new OpenLog Artemis and Screwdriver Kits!

Remember This?

February 16, 2023

This year, SparkFun turns 20. Take a look back with us at the last two decades and share what our top products were each year! Which ones do you have in your workshop?

LilyPad Reed Switch Hookup Guide

November 5, 2015

A guide to using the LilyPad Reed Switch breakout in your projects.

GPS Logger Shield Hookup Guide

February 11, 2016

How to assemble and hookup the SparkFun GPS Logger Shield. Never lose track of your Arduino again!