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User Success Story: Cryologging the Cryosphere

February 10, 2022

When Adam Garbo of the Water and Ice Research Laboratory at Carleton University saw a lack of data coming from the cryosphere, he turned to an affordable, open-sourced solution he dubbed the Cryologger.

Chris's 12 Years at SparkFun

September 6, 2023

SparkFun is 20 years old this year! We're lucky enough to have a bunch of employees that have been around for over 10 of those years, and we wanted to share their reflections on their time here with you. Today you'll be hearing from Chris McCarty (you may know him as One Chris Two Chris Red Chris Blue Chris).

Graph Sensor Data with Python and Matplotlib

July 23, 2018

Use matplotlib to create a real-time plot of temperature data collected from a TMP102 sensor connected to a Raspberry Pi.

Qwiic Twist Hookup Guide

December 13, 2018

Take your volume knob beyond 11 with the Qwiic Twist digital RGB LED encoder via I2C!