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CAT 6 Cable - 3ft

CAT 6 Cable - 3ft

SparkFun Raspberry Pi 4 Basic Kit - 8GB

SparkFun Raspberry Pi 4 Basic Kit - 8GB

Breadboard to JST-GHR-05V Cable - 5-Pin x 1.25mm Pitch

Breadboard to JST-GHR-05V Cable - 5-Pin x 1.25mm Pitch

Zener Diode - 12V, 300mW

Zener Diode - 12V, 300mW


DIY Rat Race to the Pub with the LTE GNSS Breakout Board

August 12, 2021

Once Rob and Avra receive a text with GPS coordinates, who will get to the location fastest? They find out using trains, planes, bikes, blades, and of course the new SparkFun LTE GNSS Breakout with SARA-R5.

Two New GPS-RTK Kits for Extreme Accuracy

July 8, 2022

This week we have two new GPS-RTK Kits featuring the ZED-F9P and the ZED-F9R as well as two new ESP32 WROOM Dual Antenna products!

Arduino Wireless Communication via the Electric Imp

April 8, 2014

How to communicate between an Electric Imp and Arduino using serial.

Getting Started with the A111 Pulsed Radar Sensor

September 26, 2019

Get started with the Acconeer A111 SDK with a Raspberry Pi! The tiny A111 pulsed coherent radar (PCR) adds high-precision, cutting-edge distance measurement for speed-, material-, motion-, or gesture-sensing projects! We’re not talking about simple ultrasonic, or even infrared sensors here, but 60GHz radar!