Stenciling Class - July 14th, 2011

Here at SparkFun everything we do on a large scale can be done by all you tinkerers and inventors at home in the comfort of your garage, basement, or mad scientist lab. For this reason we regularly teach classes on various aspects of electrical engineering and physical computing that go beyond simple circuits and “if” statements. We realize that many of you are regular solder jockeys and whiz bang programmers, so we would love to offer you an opportunity to play with solder paste and stencils.

At SparkFun, stenciling is a regular part of our surface mount production process so we would love to share the technique with you. With stencils it is possible to populate your boards with very fine pitch components (very, very tiny) and not drive yourself bonkers in the process. Developers at home can use the skills learned in the class to setup their own reflow oven, or reflow skillet, and move beyond some of the restrictions of the soldering iron.

The class will start with a presentation on stenciling techniques and tips by our stenciling specialists. Students will learn in small groups how to use stencils, solder paste, place SMD components and test the finished product to make sure it works. Everyone will create a panel of Arduino Pro (5V/16MHz) and take one home to use as they please.

**Prerequisites: **Rework may be required. Even the best of us can make a mistake with stenciling, so it would be best if you at least have a basic understanding of soldering and rework techniques.

**What to bring: **Maybe a bite to eat. The class can run to 7:30 or 8PM. SparkFun will provide all the tools.

Date: July 14th, 2011
Time: 6:00PM to around 7:30PM
Instructors: Bob, Mat, Mike and Alexis


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  • LC / about 13 years ago * / 1

    We reflow using our ovens here, but you can find a toaster oven reflow tutorial here.
    As for creating a kit, this is something we are working on. Thanks for the interest guys, we will let you know somehow when there are kits, teacher materials and videos for this class so you can do them yourselves.

  • Solar / about 13 years ago / 1

    How is the actual soldering step done for the class? I'd love to go through the hands on process of using the reflow skillet - I hope that bit is part of the class too.

  • J.R. / about 13 years ago / 1

    Could the materials for this, PCB, Stencil and IC's be made available as a kit? I would really like to learn this, but flying in from Buffalo is cost prohibitive... A one time use stencil doesn't seem like it would be all that expensive.

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