Build Upons LED - PTH (10 Pack)

There are LEDs and then there are Build Upons LEDs. Each Build Upons PTH LED in this 10 pack are brick shaped in the same form of your favorite construction block! These LEDs can be easily used as novelty indicator lights, or ground effects for your existing brick sets as the tops of each LED is compatible with LEGO® bricks.

The Build Upons pack contains two diffused PTH LEDs of red, blue, yellow, green, and white. Each LED (minus the leads) are the exact same size as a LEGO® 1x1 brick. Only the tops of the Build Upons LEDs are stackable, not on the bottom due to protruding through-hole leads like any other PTH LED.

Note: LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO® Group, which is not affiliated with Build Upons LEDs.

  • 2x Red Diffused Build Upons LED
  • 2x Blue Diffused Build Upons LED
  • 2x Yellow Diffused Build Upons LED
  • 2x Green Diffused Build Upons LED
  • 2x White Diffused Build Upons LED
  • Info Sheet
  • [Dimensional Drawing]( Upons PTH Drawing.PDF)
  • Source Page

Build Upons LED - PTH (10 Pack) Product Help and Resources

Core Skill: Electrical Prototyping

If it requires power, you need to know how much, what all the pins do, and how to hook it up. You may need to reference datasheets, schematics, and know the ins and outs of electronics.

2 Electrical Prototyping

Skill Level: Rookie - You may be required to know a bit more about the component, such as orientation, or how to hook it up, in addition to power requirements. You will need to understand polarized components.
See all skill levels


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  • Member #505497 / about 10 years ago / 12

    Wow. It's amazing how negative people can be. I must have missed the part that said "YOU MUST BUY THESE." If you think it costs too much or you can do better, then get off the thread and do it. Then re-post when you have a better product. Until then, I will continue to inspire the students I teach everyday and show these awesome ideas and products. I too was thinking $10 is a lot, but after reading this negativity and seeing the faces light up on my students, I will be purchasing some of these to play with and will have my own Darth Vader mask on my desk created by a 12 year old. Not some cranky pants who thinks they can do better. It will look great next to the one already programmed by an 11 year old with a photo-resistor to light up the eyes in the dark.

  • Andrew4 / about 10 years ago / 4

    Only being able to stack this as the bottom-most brick makes it pretty useless in my opinion, and at $1 each 1x1 brick, a very pricey product also. Getting a 1x1 brick to suspend underneath something is challenging enough, without LED leads wired to it (unless you're gluing your creating together?)

    For $1 you could just get the LEDs (and certainly more than one!) and achieve almost the same effect. Take a look at the "action" photo - it doesn't even show the product, just some lights coming from behind some legos.

    • Whiskey / about 10 years ago / 3


      These are open hardware. If you would like to do better, consider yourself encouraged to do so. I seriously look forward to purchasing some of your new design.

      • Member #346094 / about 10 years ago / 2

        I foresee a sudden explosion of growth in LEGO compatible LEDs. These are a great starting point.

        • robbok / about 10 years ago / 1

          There is already a very large market for LEGO-compatible LEDs. My company makes some ( and there is also among others....It's one of the fastest-growing trends in LEGO.

    • Member #550382 / about 10 years ago / 2

      They're ideal for SNOT (Studs Not On Top) models. Just turn your bricks 90 degrees and they'll integrate into the surface just fine.

      • dbc / about 10 years ago / 2

        Indeed. Or bend the leads back, and then fill the 1x1 brick space under it with a 1x1 plate and a 1x1x2/3 wedge -- problem solved. Or use a 1x2 wall element -- Or any number of other solutions. Some people just don't understand Lego design grammar.

  • Karl Bielefeldt / about 10 years ago / 3

    Hmm, my son turns 8 in a few weeks. I might have to buy some of these "for him." Although I usually try to avoid bricking my electronics projects.

    • avoid bricking my electronics projects. hahah!

      I also, think there is a lot of parents who say this is for their "children"... ;)

    • Although I usually try to avoid bricking my electronics projects.


  • Woke up the cranky pantses today!

  • Jon Mayer / about 10 years ago / 3

    The kid inside of me just wet his pants with how cool these are.

    The adult inside me said he could do better, but is unmotivated to try.

  • Member #401236 / about 10 years ago / 3

    Sorry, not a usable product. If you made these using the bricks with holes in them, or wires coming out the back of the brick rather than the bottom, then it I'd buy a bunch, but you need to support the bottom of the brick. Even a barrel brick underneath has problems because it's a very small opening and it still doesn't get the leads out the back. Nice try, but not quite there.

  • tpobrienjr / about 10 years ago / 2

    Rather than naysay or whine, I will just order 4 packs of these, and give them to my grandkids and the roboteam I work with. I'll report back later on what they do with them.

  • tzankoff / about 10 years ago / 2

    Wow! What is with all of the negativity? I admit they might be little pricey but nobody said you have to buy them. It's not like this is an everyday purchase. Now shut up and take my money. :-)

  • Member #663579 / about 10 years ago / 2

    For $1 a brick, I'd expect more. I can go to Bricklink and buy a mess of clear bricks for a penny and then buy a bunch of LEDs for fifteen cents each. Then I could cut a notch on the bottom side of the brick and voila, I have bricks that are more usable and only cost me sixteen cents to make. Then I could charge thirty five cents each and still make a tidy profit off of each brick.

    The only reason I see for the price is if they were being 3d printed. Even still, the leads can come out the side instead of the bottom or the brick can be a snot brick.

  • Member #521001 / about 10 years ago / 2

    If someone where to a) cut conductors and put to inside wall opposite each other, and then b) use forethought and place/use conductive mark pen so it is in between blocks so as to not be seen, the power could be put anywhere. (Thinking out loud) I like the blocks, they just need a little more R&D.

  • Member #124846 / about 10 years ago / 2

    FWIW, a 5mm LED fits perfectly through a Technic hole, if you want to roll your own.

  • Member #22902 / about 10 years ago / 2

    Really, really cool concept--but not as implemented. The wires need to come out of the side. Even better if you can attach bricks above and below. A 1x1 might be too small for this, but what about 2x1 or 2x2 with the LED in the middle? Would also be a nice add-on to have a Lego Power Functions connector to hook these up to a Lego power source (kind of like the Lego 8877 lights.)

  • Murple / about 10 years ago / 2

    +1 for leads from the side!

  • dsffasdfdsafadsfasdfadsf / about 10 years ago / 2

    Good Idea, but you need to sell some with the leads coming off of a side... way easer to integrate...good idea though!!!

  • Jamon / about 10 years ago / 2

    Seems like having the wires protruding out the side would make more sense. Then you could actually stack it.

    • Member #125169 / about 10 years ago / 2

      +1 on needing the wires to come out somewhere other than the bottom. As someone who dabbles in legos myself, I have problems seeing where I would integrate these LEDs into my models. Sure, there's ways I could do it, but it's not right and it's not convenient. These don't integrate well with either the classic studs-on-top legos or the new studless technic parts. The product appears to embrace aesthetics more than function -- it looks like a lego brick, but doesn't sufficiently work like one.

    • Member #393953 / about 10 years ago / 1

      i agree!!! then it would be a true brick LED :)

  • Member #658487 / about 10 years ago / 2

    my new favorite product

  • TheTechnomancer / about 9 years ago / 1

    I like this product. Yes, they aren't really useful in the large scheme of things, but its a step in the right direction. I'd like to see them improve their design and make the bricks a lot more useful.

    And guess what, the manufacturer is making a better version. So for those of you who want to get the newer version, why don't you help them out on KickStarter.

    (Apologies in advance to SparkFun if they don't want the link, feel free to remove, but in the spirit of helping Indie developers make fun projects, I'd like to do my part to help them :P)

  • Josh_Hawley / about 10 years ago / 1

    These are great! I would like to see the more advanced versions of LEDs too. RGB and Neopixels would really make this type of idea shine. Also, routing the leads out one side rather than the bottom would be best. The lego side of the build really suffers without the bottom connection.

  • CSmith / about 10 years ago / 1

    I agree these would be much more useful if the leads came out the side. Also, wider multi-LED bricks would be cool.

  • AD8BC / about 10 years ago / 1

    I love these... well, I would have loved them even more in my youth. Yes, I would love to see the bottom have the hole and the leads come out of the side. I'd almost prefer tiny wires but then the manufacture would be completely different. I like how these are LEDs and molded as Legos. And in my brain, I can think of a number of different Lego shapes these would work really nice for... but these are awesome as a first step and I imagine that someone, if not Sparkfun, will do something really cool with this idea.

  • Member #120930 / about 10 years ago / 1

    In each of the projects featured in the video, they could have used regular LEDs as none of them made use of the "Lego" stacking feature, the whole point of the Lego. I agree, leads-out-the-side are the only way to go.

  • Grumpf / about 10 years ago / 1

    ROFL on the bottom only attached brick... Nice try but... What's wrong with drilling a brick (maybe a transparent one) and add a simple 0.01c led to it? Make it remote controlled RGB led with battery included brick and you'll have a product. ???

Customer Reviews

4 out of 5

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1 of 1 found this helpful:

LEGO LEDs! Awesome!

Don't be mislead by the bad review, this product is exactly what it is described to be! I've been using them to add some variety to my prototype circuit board designs and they're perfect, plus my students love them :)

I'm glad to hear this company is also making a stackable version that'll work well in LEGO kits (thanks Single T), but if you're like me and just looking for a cool alternative to regular old LEDs this is a great product!

2 of 3 found this helpful:

Not working too well.

The LED Lego blocks will allow regular Lego blocks to fit on the top only. The LED leads come directly out the bottom making them impossible to use them to build Lego designs. If the leads came out the side, the bottom of the building block could be fashioned like a real Lego block and used to build like a normal Lego block.

This was the first version of this product. Take a look at their kickstarter! There's some cool things in the works.

Super Fun Lego LEDs

I am using these Lego LEDs for a LEGO model display. Should be fun when it is completed. (hopefully I will post an image if all works out well.) Looking forward to the day when other LEGO brick LEDs arrive on the scene.

Super cool LED legos!!!

These work great as a replacement for any through hole single LED and as a bonus you can plop lego parts right on top! I dig using them just as little indicator lights when breadboarding to up the style a little, but I'm sure you could also build them into huge lego assemblies really well too.

They are setup just like a regular through hole LED with a longer lead/leg for the anode side.

Love these LED PTH Build Upons

I recently purchased these LED PTH Build Upons for a project for my 10 yr old niece who loves LEGOS. They are awesome. I wanted to teach her how to solder. She now knows how to solder and has a cool LEGO compatible LED. So happy with these.