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Capacitor Ceramic 0.1uF

Capacitor Ceramic 0.1uF

Lithium Ion Battery - 850mAh

Lithium Ion Battery - 850mAh


Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W

SparkFun Digi XBee® Explorer USB-C

SparkFun Digi XBee® Explorer USB-C


Debug Your Pi Pico

February 20, 2023

Raspberry Pi's new Debug Tool for the Pico is now available!

Lynn Conway and The Chip Design Revolution

June 6, 2023

Lynn Conway is a pioneering computer scientist, engineer, and transgender activist. Known for her significant contributions to computer architecture, VLSI design, and design automation, she developed innovative methods and tools for designing complex integrated circuits and laid the foundation for modern chip design practices. Learn more about this inspiring woman here!

Electronics Assembly

March 1, 2013

How SparkFun assembles SMD electronics.

Getting Started with the AutoDriver - v13

September 15, 2016

SparkFun's AutoDriver is a powerful tool for controlling stepper motors. Here's how to use it.