Programmer and Board Test Program

Boot Loaders -

Go to here for the latest version and information.

LCD Test Code -

SerLCD v1.0 (Hex, Asm, C) - This is the code that is loaded onto the 16F630 that is used with our Serial LCD product. Very simple, very effective. It should serve as a good example of how to interface to the HD44780 LCD driver chipset.

PIC-MT LCD Test Code (Hex, Asm, C) - Works with the PIC-MTC. Displays a message on the LCD Screen. The code is easy to adapt, and works at 20MHz.

PIC-PG4D UART Test Code (ZIP) - Works with the PIC-PG4D loaded with a 16F628. This code reads in user typed commands and displays them. The LED alternates on/off for each character received. Make sure you also look at the header files!

Blinkin -

Random reference to Robin Hood - Men in Tights

Use these programs as test HEX files as well as easy to understand C examples. We use these exact hex files to load and test boards using the PG1, PG2C, PG3B, and MCP. You may need to right-click on the following links and select "Save Target As..."

These files will drive all pins on the PIC high/low alternating every second (designed for 20MHz operation). If you've get an LED hooked up correctly to any pin, it should blink.

12F629 (Hex, Asm, C) - Works with the P8 boards and In-Circuit (chip in a bread board) - uses 4MHz Internal OSC

12F675 (Hex, Asm, C) - Works with the P8 boards and In-Circuit - uses 4MHz Internal OSC


16F676 (Hex, Asm, C) - Works with the P14 boards and In-Circuit

16F84A (Hex, Asm, C) - Works with the P18 boards, the PIC-PG4B, and In-Circuit

16F628 (Hex, Asm, C) - Works with the P18 boards, the PIC-IOA, the PIC-PG4B, and In-Circuit

16F873A (Hex, Asm, C) - Works with the P28 board, the PIC-MTA, and In-Circuit

16F877A (Hex, Asm, C) - Works with the P40 board and In-Circuit


18F1320 (Hex, Asm, C) - Works with the P18 board and In-Circuit

18F252 (Hex, Asm, C) - Works with the P28 board and In-Circuit

18F452 (Hex, Asm, C) - Works with the P40 board and In-Circui


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