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Perhaps some of these may interest you?

Jumper Wires Premium 6" M/F Pack of 10

Jumper Wires Premium 6" M/F Pack of 10

Pocket AVR Programmer

Pocket AVR Programmer

Shapeoko 4 XL - Hybrid Table, with Router

Shapeoko 4 XL - Hybrid Table, with Router

WVR Audio Development Board - USB Host Version

WVR Audio Development Board - USB Host Version


Let's Talk About NanoBeacon

February 17, 2023

Two new IN100 NanoBeacon Boards are now available with the newest versions of our Cerberus USB Cables.

Meet the New Digi XBee®

January 9, 2024

The newest Digi XBee® modules are now available at SparkFun Electronics, and we have new boards to support them!

Adding a Timed Button to a Project

July 29, 2015

This tutorial will walk you through making a timed power controller for interactive projects. You will learn how to add an on button that will provide power to your project for an amount of time and then turn off again.

ESP32-S2 Thing Plus Hookup Guide

April 8, 2021

Looking to use the more secure ESP32-S2? Follow this hookup guide to get started.