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Perhaps some of these may interest you?

Multimeter Probes - Needle Tipped

Multimeter Probes - Needle Tipped

SparkFun Sound Detector

SparkFun Sound Detector

IoT Power Relay

IoT Power Relay

Nomad Flip Jig

Nomad Flip Jig


Let's Talk About NanoBeacon

February 17, 2023

Two new IN100 NanoBeacon Boards are now available with the newest versions of our Cerberus USB Cables.

Goodbye, Teensy 3.X!

October 26, 2023

This week, PJRC announced the retirement of the Teensy 3.2. We've got everything you need to know about transitioning to Teensy 4.x!

ATX Power Connector (4-Pin) Breakout Hookup Guide

October 10, 2019

Do you need to power a project with 12V and 5V from one wall adapter? The ATX power connector breaks out the standard 4-pin computer peripheral port for your 12V and 5V devices!

Qwiic Kit for Raspberry Pi V2 Hookup Guide

December 29, 2022

Get started with the SGP40, BME280, VCNL4040, and microOLED via I2C using the Qwiic system and Python on a Raspberry Pi! Measure VOC Index, light, temperature, humidity, and pressure from the environment. Then display them on the microOLED, serial terminal, or the cloud with Cayenne!