

Member Since: February 23, 2012

Country: United States

  • I've made a Python Package that works with this keypad as well as 4x4 ones. It is made for the RaspberryPi for now but could be ported over to work on the beaglebone as well once I get one to mess with. It supports both the RPi's GPIO aswell as support for the I2C chip family MCP230xx

    http://crumpspot.blogspot.com/p/keypad-matrix-python-package.html https://pypi.python.org/pypi/matrix_keypad

  • We really need this as a standalone board. not a shield. Just have the fuel gauge, boaster and charger all in one. then just have a set of break out pics, 3.3v, 5v, GND, SDA, SCI, ALT, then also maybe 2 jst, battery in, battery out. and I think a barrel jack would be better.

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