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Perhaps some of these may interest you?

Hook-up Wire - Yellow (22 AWG)

Hook-up Wire - Yellow (22 AWG)

DC Barrel Power Jack/Connector (SMD)

DC Barrel Power Jack/Connector (SMD)

SparkFun Line Follower Array

SparkFun Line Follower Array


SparkFun Qwiic PIR Starter Kit (170µA)


A Thing for Everything

August 3, 2021

We now have over a dozen SparkFun Thing Plus boards in our lineup. Let's take a look at what sets them apart.

Into the Qwiic of It

August 13, 2021

The new Qwiic OpenLog Kit is now available, along with a new Qwiic Cellular Notecarrier. Be sure to check out the new Otto DIY Kits, as well!

SparkFun Inventor's Kit Experiment Guide - v4.0

November 15, 2017

The SparkFun Inventor's Kit (SIK) Experiment Guide contains all of the information needed to build all five projects, encompassing 16 circuits, in the latest version of the kit, v4.0a.

Getting Started with 3D Printing Using Tinkercad

April 30, 2018

Tinkercad is a great, easy-to-use online modeling software that can have you 3D printing quickly. This tutorial will walk you through designing a simple project enclosure.