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Perhaps some of these may interest you?

Resettable Fuse PTC

Resettable Fuse PTC

SoftPot Membrane Potentiometer - 500mm

SoftPot Membrane Potentiometer - 500mm

SparkFun Line Sensor Breakout - QRE1113 (Digital)

SparkFun Line Sensor Breakout - QRE1113 (Digital)


SkyRC IMAX B6 V2 Professional Balance Charger / Discharger


Introducing the Triband GNSS RTK

October 12, 2023

Today, we launch our newest GNSS board featuring the mosaic-X5 in collaboration with our partners at Septentrio!

Open-Source HVAC?

March 7, 2024

Yes, it is becoming a thing! We believe sensor-to-cloud technology and open-source ethics have the power to contribute to this movement!

Getting Started with the SmartLED Shield for Teensy

November 9, 2018

In this tutorial, we will connect different RGB LED matrix panels to PixelMatix's SmartLED shield and Teensy.

Hookup Guide for the Qwiic Motor Driver

September 19, 2019

Drive things "qwiic"-ly with the SparkFun Qwiic Motor Driver!