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IR Reflectance Sensor - QRE1113

IR Reflectance Sensor - QRE1113

Hobby Motor with Encoder - Metal Gear (DG01D-E)

Hobby Motor with Encoder - Metal Gear (DG01D-E)

BitZero V2 for Shapeoko

BitZero V2 for Shapeoko

Hybrid Table for Shapeoko 4 - XXL

Hybrid Table for Shapeoko 4 - XXL


Behind the Scenes: Making a SparkFun Board

July 22, 2021

If you're curious what goes into producing a SparkFun Original board, check out our new video!

Over a Decade at SparkFun with Jennifer Mullins

August 9, 2023

It's SparkFun's 20th anniversary! Today you'll be hearing from Jennifer Mullins, a SparkFun employee who's been here for over 11 years!

Tech Prank: Hardware Mouse Jiggler

March 12, 2018

Create an innocuous-looking USB stick with an Arduino Pro Micro and a 3D printed case that moves your mouse pointer randomly every few seconds. Sure to anger your coworkers and friends!

Machine Learning @ Home Kit Hookup Guide

July 16, 2021

A living hookup guide with three different machine learning applications that will help you around the home as well as teach the basics of taking the examples of machine learning you find in the DLI Course and working towards deploying those projects beyond an example in Jupyter Notebooks!