A Look Back: 15 Years of SparkFun and the Maker Movement

Take a look at this visual timeline illustrating SparkFun's 15-year history in the context of the maker movement and pop culture!

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As we continue to celebrate SparkFun's 15th Anniversary, we are taking a look back not just at our own history, but at that of the maker community beyond SparkFun's walls. Our supremely talented graphic designer, Pete, made this beautiful timeline illustrating how major events at SparkFun align with major events in the maker movement* and pop culture. Check it out below!

Remember something that isn't on the timeline? Let us know in the comments below!

Read more about SparkFun's history in Nate's 15th anniversary retrospective.

*Information about the maker movement used in this timeline was originally published by Maker Media. The RPi figure under 2015 in our timeline should be 5M units in sales vs. $5M in sales.

Comments 3 comments

  • ROB-24601 / about 7 years ago / 2

    2010 - Sparkfun holds their first (and sadly, last) Antimov Competition. Competitors created robots determined to break at least one, but hopefully not all three, of Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics. Unfortunately, 2010 saw an incredibly dry summer, and the fire ban that was in place definitely put a damper on some of the more potentially spectacular entries. Attempts were also made to blow things up in an old thrift store microwave oven, but it turned out to be DOA. Still, a great time was had by all! (And many of us are still eagerly awaiting the second Antimov ompetition!)

  • JerryH / about 7 years ago / 1

    2012: Sparkfun hosts their first (and only) soldering completion. The event took place on a sunny afternoon at Oskar Blues Home Made Liquids and Solids in Longmont. In addition to the competition, entrants were treated to a pint. A fun event!


  • PickledDog / about 7 years ago / 1

    2012 - Raspberry Pi launches!

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