Spark the spirit of Innovation and Inspire Future Innovators and STEM Leaders!
Open to K-12 and higher education*
CSU Engineering Days 2023
We love to learn about the projects students create with SparkFun parts!
A Day at ID Tech Summer Camp
We love to learn about the projects students create with SparkFun parts!
STEM Kits and Services
Working with education, nonprofit, and industry leaders from across the globe, SparkFun provides hands-on STEM tools to help students build critical skills - communication, inquiry, problem solving - and to support project-based learning.
See our STEM Kits and Services below.
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Resource Center
Engineering Concept Videos
Often referred to as a survival guide for engineering students, this series of 50 + videos takes an in-depth look at various engineering principles; titles include "PCB Layout," "SPI and I2C," "OpAmps," "Serial Communication," "Voltage Regulators," "wifi," "bluetooth," and more.
Technology Concept Videos
Developed by popular creator, Shawn Hymel, the "Adventures in Science" video series includes more than 30 videos that provide clear explanations of common STEM concepts such as voltage, electric current, Ohm's Law, and batteries.
SIK Video Series
This video guide is a companion to the SparkFun Inventor's Kit (SIK) 4.1 Kit Guidebook. It provides clear walkthroughs of each project in the guide to support learning.
Concept Posters
Other Resources
Committed to supporting educators and students across the globe to help build the world's future innovators and leaders.