Press & Media

SparkFun Electronics Unveils RTK Torch, Delivering Millimeter-Level Accuracy In A Rugged Enclosure
MAY 03, 2024

SparkFun Electronics And Renesas Launch Thing Plus - RA6M5: A Developer Board For Prototyping Advanced IoT Solutions
APRIL 09, 2024

SparkFun Electronics Merges Acconeer's XM125 Module and the Qwiic Connect System to Support Rapid Prototyping with Pulsed Coherent Radar Technology
MARCH 29, 2024

The SparkFun GNSS L1/L5 Breakout - NEO-F10N Brings Affordable Meter-Level Accuracy to Urban Environments
MARCH 29, 2024
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SparkFun employs ~100 people (& ~12 dogs) who handle everything from engineering and product development, to manufacturing and shipping, to marketing and customer support, to education and outreach. We're here to help at every stage of your electronics adventure. Learn more about us.

Nathan Seidle
Nathan started SparkFun in his college apartment in 2003, after frying a component for an electrical engineering project and struggling to find an easy way to replace it online. After running SparkFun for 13 years, he re-committed to his engineering roots and now heads SparkX, our experimental, rapid-prototyping division.

Glenn Samala
Nathan started SparkFun in his college apartment in 2003, after frying a component for an electrical engineering project and struggling to find an easy way to replace it online. After running SparkFun for 13 years, he re-committed to his engineering roots and now heads SparkX, our experimental, rapid-prototyping division.