
Member Since: January 13, 2014

Country: United States

  • I am trying to add a UART to the edison over i2c using this block and the SC16IS750 breakout ( because the Edison has only one UART and I need to attach 2 or 3, but it is not detected. I've set the device address to 0x94 on the SC16IS750 which should be detected as 0x4A I believe. I tried 'i2cdetect -r 1' but it is not detected. When attached, I do detect the SparkFun Block for Intel Edison - ADC on address 0x48 for what it's worth.

    Any hint on using this interface?

  • I'm also looking to work with two UARTs concurrently (UART1 and UART2) for TTL serial devices (gps and modem) I think this means we will need to disable the kernel console redirection in Linux, but I don't see any Sparkfun boards that break these out (rx, tx, rts/cts for uart1 and uart2) I would love to have a solution there.

  • Sweet, I'd really love to have some ADC on the edison without needing the huge Arduino dev board.

    I don't suppose you could post a preliminary schematic of this, as I need to build something similar to this ADC but can't wait 'till December..

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