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Prototyping with I2C has never been easier.

SparkFun's Qwiic Connect System uses 4-pin JST connectors to quickly interface development boards with sensors, LCDs, relays and more.

Benefits Of The Qwiic Connect System

The Qwiic Connect System is designed to keep your projects moving.

No SolderingNo Soldering

no soldering

Qwiic cables (4-pin JST) plug easily from development boards to sensors, shields, accessory boards and more, making easy work of setting up a new prototype.

Polarized ConnectorPolarized Connector

polarized connector

There's no need to worry about accidentally swapping the SDA and SCL wires on your breadboard. The Qwiic connector is polarized so you know you’ll have it wired correctly every time, right from the start.

Daisy ChainableDaisy Chainable

daisy chain-able

It’s time to leverage the power of the I2C bus! Most Qwiic boards will have two or more connectors on them, allowing multiple devices to be connected.

Qwiic Micro, our smallest boards yet.

A big solution for small projects.

Each Qwiic Micro board includes one Qwiic Connector as well as a single standoff hole which reduces the size of a normal Qwiic board by more than a third. Qwiic Micro boards measure in a minuscule 0.75in. x 0.30in (19.05mm x 7.62mm).

Qwiic Micro BoardsQwiic Micro Boards

Qwiic Line Of Products

Our Qwiic line of products has grown to include powerful development boards, helpful shields, a vast array of sensors and much more.

Qwiic Cables

Qwiic Development Boards

Qwiic Sensors

Qwiic GPS/GNSS Boards

Also available:

Qwiic Displays

Qwiic Buttons and Switches

Qwiic Power and Relays

Qwiic Connectors

Stay up to date with the latest Qwiic products, projects and tutorials.Stay up to date with the latest Qwiic products, projects and tutorials.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check below to answer any questions you may have about using the Qwiic Connect System.

Can I use Qwiic on my system? Can I use the name Qwiic? Can I call it a Qwiic connector? Can I use the logo on my board?

Absolutely. Just call it a Qwiic connector. It’s free! SparkFun encourages the use of Qwiic in silk on a PCB, in the schematic, and in product descriptions. Put the logo near the connector so it’s obvious what the connector is for.

The requirements to say that your board has Qwiic:

  • SparkFun encourages the use of the Qwiic logo in silk on a PCB, in the schematic, and in product descriptions. You can download Qwiic footprints and images here:
  • SparkFun encourages the use of the Qwiic logo in silk on a PCB, in the schematic, and in product descriptions. You can download Qwiic footprints and images here:
  • You must use the same style 4-pin connector, JST or equivalent; you may not use a 5-pin or a different size connector. This is to make all Qwiic boards and systems interoperable.
  • Boards must be 3.3V. You may do an on-board buck or boost to get to a different voltage (1.8V or 5V, for example), but the board must have onboard translation circuitry to work at 3.3V.
  • All cables must follow the same color scheme: black for GND, red for 3.3V, blue for SDA, yellow for SCL.
  • For obvious compatibility reasons you must follow the same pinout: GND / 3.3V / SDA / SCL.
  • You may have any number of Qwiic connectors on a board. We encourage having a second connector on input and output boards to support daisy-chaining, but it is not required.

Does the color of the connector matter?

Not exactly. Black is the preferred color but we understand that white is the commonly available and cheaper color. If you’re producing a small volume of boards (<100), white is great. If you’re producing a large number of boards, please consider using a black connector.

Should I call it a Qwiic/Stemma connector?

The very conservative max current on a Qwiic cable is 226mA[1]. If you want to push it, 28AWG is good for up to 1.4A for chassis wiring “isolated, unbundled wire in free air, as per the Handbook of Electronic Tables and Formulas for American Wire Gauge.” We wouldn’t recommend pushing the cables to 1.4A, but hundreds of mA should be fine.

Should I call it a Qwiic/Stemma connector?

How much power can I use?

The very conservative max current on a Qwiic cable is 226mA[1]. If you want to push it, 28AWG is good for up to 1.4A for chassis wiring “isolated, unbundled wire in free air, as per the Handbook of Electronic Tables and Formulas for American Wire Gauge.” We wouldn’t recommend pushing the cables to 1.4A, but hundreds of mA should be fine.

What's the pinout again?

All Qwiic cables have the following color scheme and arrangement:

Yellow = SCL
Blue = SDA
Red = 3.3V
Black = GND

What are the part numbers?

The Qwiic board connector is part #: SM04B-SRSS-TB(LF)(SN) or equivalent. If you plan to incorporate a Qwiic connector on your own project we generally encourage using a black connector, but any color will work.

The cable connector is part #: SHR-04V-S or equivalent. Here is an assembly drawing of Qwiic cable showing the pinout and wire colors.

What about the INT pin?

We deliberately chose four conductors to increase usability of the interconnecting cables, minimize the cost of the connectors and limit the PCB footprint. All boards with extra pin options (such as interrupts, address selection, power save mode, etc.) will have those pins broken out to 0.1" holes, so the end user can add extra connections as needed.

How far can I run the Qwiic system?

I2C stands for inter-integrated circuit, and we’ve got a tutorial dedicated to it here. The bus was designed to communicate between ICs on a printed circuit board, so it wasn’t really designed to go long distances. That said, we’ve successfully communicated with sensors and boards via I2C over 1 meter (~4 ft).

The fastest and easiest way to extend the range of your I2C communication bus is to use the Differential I2C Breakout. The breakout uses NXP’s PCA9615 IC, which converts the two default I2C signals into four differential signals, two for SCL and two for SDA. The differential signals are sent over an Ethernet cable, which attaches to the breakout through the on-board RJ-45 connectors. The differential signaling allows the I2C signals to reach distances of up to 100ft while still maintaining their signal integrity!

SparkFun QwiicBus - EndPointSparkFun QwiicBus - EndPoint
SparkFun QwiicBus - EndPoint

What about my 5V board?

We may implement a DC buck/boost board in the future, but for now Qwiic only supports 3.3V boards. Currently over 90 percent of our I2C products are 3.3V, and the technology market is accelerating this trend.

How can I connect existing SparkFun I2C Boards?

What if you already have a handful of SparkFun sensors and parts? We have been putting our standard GND/VCC/SDA/SCL pinout on all our I2C boards for many years. This makes it possible to attach a Qwiic Adapter that will get your SparkFun I2C sensor or actuator onto the Qwiic system.

SparkFun Qwiic AdapterSparkFun Qwiic Adapter
SparkFun Qwiic Adapter

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