Artemis Development on Arm® Mbed™ OS (Beta)

Contributors: santaimpersonator, Member #1571936
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Get a Jump on the Release

With the latest Artemis DK, board, we now offer full Bluetooth support within the Arduino IDE and development with Arm® Mbed™ OS. While we have worked tirelessly to get the Artemis module supported in the next Mbed™ OS release, the next release isn't slated until after the Artemis DK becomes available to the public. Therefore, this post will provide users with a jump start for developing with Mbed™ Studio, prior to the next release (in a beta of sorts), by utilizing our fork of Mbed™ OS.

mbed os logo

In case you missed it, check out our livestream demonstration with the Mbed™ team:

Users may need to watch the video on YouTube.