Choosing a LilyPad Arduino for Your Project

Contributors: Gella
Favorited Favorite 14

LilyPad Arduino SimpleSnap

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  • 5 Digital I/O pins
  • 4 Analog pins
  • ATmega328
  • Built-in ON/OFF switch
  • Built-in LiPo battery and charging circuit
  • Simplified layout with less pins, giving more space for sewing or less complex projects
  • Built-in snaps for quick attachment/detachment to multiple projects

The LilyPad Arduino SimpleSnap is similar to the LilyPad Simple Board, except for two major differences: a built-in rechargeable 110mAh LiPo battery and female snap connectors. This board requires connection to a SimpleSnap Protoboard or an arrangement of sew-on fabric snaps so that the board is removable from a project. This gives you the ability to swap out the LilyPad Arduino to reprogram and share in multiple projects.

The LilyPad Arduino Simple Board needs a LilyPad FTDI Basic Breakout and USB Mini-B Cable in order to connect to a computer and upload code.