

Member Since: August 23, 2015

Country: United States

  • There's a problem with Arduino integration with the Blynk Board.

    I was able to install Sparkfun Blynk support by installing v 2.1 of the 'esp8266' package via the board manager. The Blynk Board showed up.

    However, I was prompted to update the esp8266 boards because of board management from "http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json" - that source has a V 2.3 of the library which adds other boards, but removes the blynk board.

    I'm not sure if both orgs are updating that board management configuration, but the latest version of that package removes the blynk.

  • Just checking - do these come with male headers for breadboarding?

  • So - this tutorial makes it look like you don't need power and ground running to the switch unless you're using LEDs - but that can't be right, can it?

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