Hello, this is the micro:bit.
get creative. get connected. get coding.
LED Display
The micro:bit features a 5x5 grid of 25 red LEDs that can be programmed individually to create letters or write out messages.
Programmable Buttons
Use the two programmable buttons to control games, skip songs on a playlist or even light up the LED display.
Additional Inputs and Outputs
Add additional sensors and actuators using the three alligator clip ports or access even more I/O ports by plugging the micro:bit into expansion boards.
Built-in Accelerometer and Compass
Detect motion, identify the direction of travel or create a tilting game controller with the built-in accelerometer and compass.
micro:bit Kits
micro:bot Kit
Robots are fun! Also, the micro:bit is the perfect controller for learning how to build and program robots! Combining the micro:bit with the SparkFun moto:bit carrier board creates a flexible low cost robotics platform for anyone from really young students getting started with the micro:bit to the engineer looking quickly prototype or build a proof of concept.
The Micro:Bot kit is the extension of that idea… Build simple robots quickly that leverage the sensors on the micro:bit and adding periferal sensors and actuators that make sense for someone to get started in robotics without spending hours learning how to build and program their robot. Ready, set, go!
micro:climate Kit
We have seen a huge amount of excitement from hobbyists, students and scientists around building a DIY weather station to track what is going on around us on Planet Earth on a daily basis.
The micro:climate Kit is a weather station kit that is built on top of the inexpensive, easy-to-use micro:bit and Microsoft MakeCode. We have also written seven experiments that walk you through how to use each and every component of the kit and how to use them with the micro:bit and Microsoft MakeCode. We even included an extra experiment that includes wireless communication between two micro:bits to be able to monitor the weather without being exposed to it.
micro:arcade Kit
We love games! We love writing games, building games and yes, even building game consoles. So we want to introduce to you the Micro:Arcade kit for the micro:bit!
It’s one thing to design a “game controller” but what about building a console? A joy stick, buttons to mash… the things that make us hardcore arcade fans drool and day dream about. This kit is designed for you! The kit includes all of the parts you need to take this lowly controller breakout to a pinball wizards dream!
SparkFun Inventor's Kit for micro:bit
The SparkFun Inventor’s Kit (SIK) for micro:bit is a great way to get creative, connected and coding with the BBC micro:bit. The SIK for micro:bit provides not only the micro:bit board but everything you need to hook up and experiment with multiple electronic circuits! With the SIK for micro:bit you will be able to complete circuits that will teach you how to read sensors, move motors, build Bluetooth devices and more.
Surrounding the micro:bit SIK is one core philosophy –– that anyone can (and should) be able to experiment with cutting-edge electronics in a fun and playful way without breaking the bank.