Simblee is a small Arduino-programmable Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) module allowing you to get started playing with IoT (Internet of Things). Unlike other IoT offerings, Simblee integrates the GUI description code with the Arduino firmware running on the module. Simply download the viewer app and you can connect to local Simblee modules, connecting via your own custom interface! We here at SparkFun are carrying a few different boards, some made by us, and some not. Below is a brief overview of the different board as well as some resources on getting started.


SparkFun Simblee BLE Breakout - This is a standard breakout board. You get access to all the Simblee pins (with the module end compatible with RFDuino/Simblee shields!) as well as an FTDI header (complete with voltage regulator to bring the USB voltage down to 3.3V), a reset button, an LED and a user accessible button. This is a great development board to stick in a breadboard and start playing with. It is also small enough to fit inside many projects. The voltage regulator is extremely low current, so your low power applications won't suffer too much for it being included.

LilyPad Simblee BLE Board - If you like your PCBs round, thin and purple this is the Simblee board for you. Our LilyPad line is designed for wearable electronics including pads big enough to sew into a project with conductive thread. If you prefer to solder to your boards, the LilyPad board does leave that option open as well. This board also comes complete with an FTDI header, voltage regulator, reset button, JST connector for a single cell Lipo and Lipo charger.

RFduino - Simblee DIP - The guys at RFduino have also designed their own board. While this doesn't breakout all the pins it does break out 7 GPIO pins in a tiny form factor to get you started. This board also has quite a few shields available to add servos, relays, buttons, batteries, and other features. You will want to get the USB programming shield to help you get started with this board, or just buy the Simblee Starter Kit which includes this board, the USB programming shield and the RGB LED/Button Shield.

RFduino - Simblee Starter Kit - This kit is based on the RFDuino DIP - Simblee version and includes this board as well as the USB Programming Shield and RGB LED/Button Shield. With this kit you can get started with programming your Simblee module as well as providing you with a few inputs and outputs.

Simblee BLE Module - Now that you've prototyped and developed your amazing project it is time to design and build your own PCBs. All you need is that little black module to stick on your board. Well we have you covered. This is just the bare module in all of it's 45-pin LGA 0.5mm pitch glory. Make sure to check out the datasheet for design information before designing your board.


Simblee Website

Simblee Datasheet v1.0

User Guide V02.05

Simblee Concepts

Simblee Breakout Board Hookup Guide

Simblee BLE LilyPad Hookup Guide

Simblee Concepts

Comments 19 comments

  • BBB / about 8 years ago / 2

    Yeah still waiting on that Android app to jump in. Just want to make sure they are serious about cross-platform support.

  • Member #133110 / about 9 years ago / 2

    Looks very useful. Waiting for Android support also.

  • Member #681989 / about 9 years ago / 2

    Very, very interesting. Waiting for Android support...

  • Sounds great, as soon as Android support becomes available I'll put in an order. Can't wait to get started!

  • Member #1501476 / about 5 years ago / 1

    In case you love RFDuino and Simblee like I do here are the modified JSON Files for the Board Manager in the Arduino APP. :

    • Member #531951 / about 5 years ago / 1

      Any luck getting a windows .json file for these boards? Where did you find the osx .json file?

  • Member #1501476 / about 5 years ago / 1 for the Board Manager! doesn't work anymore!

  • Blizok / about 8 years ago / 1

    Android app is already available

  • Member #783514 / about 8 years ago / 1

    Is it i possible to stream data wireless (over Bluetooth) from the Simblee to the Arduino terminal?

    (In a similar way as using a arduino pro mini with a HC -05 )

    *** I know that simblee is low energy and hc-05 is not **

  • Member #639503 / about 8 years ago / 1

    Looking for Simblee programming help. Could anyone provide example code for a millis de-bounce sequence for a ui_button? I programmed an APP for my grand daughter, who seems to have a bouncy finger. She somehow double taps the choices and the system doubles the action taken.


  • Member #773031 / about 8 years ago / 1

    I need a BLE Breakout board smaller than the current one (.8" row spacing) or a dip version of the module - any suggestions. Need to make a small prototype but don't have surface mount capability for placing just the module. Thanks

  • WestfW / about 8 years ago / 1

    Does Simblee support various BT profiles, or does it talk ONLY to their App?

    • tolson / about 8 years ago * / 1

      It does not support standard BTLE profiles because it only knows UUIDs for Simblee and Simblee For Mobile. You can program custom UUID for the Service, but not for Characteristics. To program BTLE profiles services and characteristics UUIDs you need to use Nordic SDK or MBED SDK. At which point you can no longer use Arduino IDE and you loose the Simble For Mobile feature.

      • GordieGii / about 8 years ago / 1

        So can it be programmed to be a generic Bluetooth HID with the Nordic or MBED SDKs or is that not part of the BLE feature set?

    • Araknide / about 8 years ago * / 1

      You can use whatever you want as long as you don't want central profile features (it's not able to do central, as of now).

      • tolson / about 8 years ago / 1

        Simblee can be programmed as a central. The RFduino on the other hand can only be a peripheral.

        • Member #390769 / about 8 years ago / 2

          Could you give a link on how to program it as a central profile and detect other ble (non simblee) devices ? I am working on a lilypad simblee and want to try to receive data from an ibeacon device.

        • Snout / about 8 years ago / 1

          Also interested in how to use Simblee as central, perhaps with a hint at what library or an example 'grab ibeacon data' code to use?