Member Since: March 19, 2014
Country: Philippines
Product BOK-11132 about 11 years ago
The typesetting looks really fun!
News - Fluke, we love you but yo… about 11 years ago
If only we could bring them to recovering schools in Haiyan affected provinces! :)
News - Fluke, we love you but yo… about 11 years ago
And we'd be glad to distribute them to schools here in the Philippines! High schools and technical schools in Haiyan affected areas are sure out of electrical supplies.
News - Fluke, we love you but yo… about 11 years ago
This is so sad. 2,000 multimeters to waste! Here in the Philippines, a student would not be able to buy his own DMM due to high costs. Even our own organization cannot readily acquire new DMMs and we badly need new ones.
If you would like to send them somewhere, we'd be happy to receive tens even hundreds of DMMs so we can give them away to schools and students through the Software Freedom Day Philippines. It's a big gathering attended by many schools. Teachers and students will love them!
regaladys 29 items
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