ESP8266 Powered Propane Poofer

Contributors: Nick Poole
Favorited Favorite 4

Make Fire!

This thing is ready to breathe fire! But first, a checklist:

  • Make sure your propane bottles are securely connected.
  • Listen for possible leaks.
  • Connect the battery leads to power up the system.
  • Get a safe distance away.
  • Connect to the flamethrower's WiFi network on your phone or laptop.
  • Navigate to
  • Press "Glow Ignition On"
  • Give the igniter a few seconds to heat up.
  • Press "Vent Tank 1 (500ms)"
  • Wait for a flame to start

The cannon is now lit and ready to fire. Clear the area and press "Vent All" for an awesome fireball! Be sure to give the cannon some time to rest between firings. Each time you fire the cannon, the solenoid valves are flooded with freezing cold liquid propane, and too much continuous operation can damage the valves, possibly locking them open.

looking majestic again while Sarah fires the cannon behind me

Kudos to Sarah for holding the cannon while I was holding the trigger